September 05, 2008

OK!!! FINE!!!!!

So none of the other writers are free or willing enough to contribute something to this blog. OK. FINE!!! Then I'll start something and hope that others may follow suit.

P.s. Totally random photos are inserted in this post to cure the monotony of a long post.

I know, we're so cute, right?

Now, this is going to be in the perspective of an "expired" senior.

Whenever I walk into college nowadays, I get the feeling of "seniority". It's like I've been there for my 1.5 years already and I've done my part. Now it's time for you younger generations to go through it. Plus, everytime I do walk into college nowadays, I get a "Hey! Wee Kiat!" from friends who are still there. It's like they saw an extincted dinosaur walking around. It's a great feeling. And of course, I'm just as happy to see you guys too! Don't worry, I won't eat you guys up.

"Expired" seniors.

Hey, college is a good thing wei... If you make it a good thing. I know some of you guys still repeat these words, "MCKL SUCKS!!!" but what do you expect la? Yup, we're not perfect but we are good in some parts. Few days ago, Jennifer called me because she's conducting a survey on MCKL alumnus. She asked me, "What's the best thing about MCKL?"

And I replied, "The friends, the family feeling and the togetherness". Yup, I miss that feeling. Sigh. I feel so old.

Wow, the view of the moon from MCKL is quite good wei.

How would you guys feel if your friends are spread all around the world? Some studying in UK, some in US, some in Aussie, some in Singapore? I guess you'll miss them loads. Yea, that's how I feel. I bet that's how most of us "expired" seniors feel. So treasure each other now, for one and a half years is short. As for me, I'm stuck here in Malaysia. Sigh...

Rare footage taken from the lounge. Everyone studying!!

Anyway, I guess MCKL is evolving.
Heard about the 25th Anniversary but won't be there.
Heard about the Groundbreaking Ceremony.
Heard about some students doing things unheard of during my generation.
Heard about the CF Camp but missed it! ARGH!! WHY MUST AVRIL COME DOWN TO KL DURING THAT TIME?!?!
I feel so... outdated.

Not all days in MCKL are good ones. But most are.

By the way, can someone blog about the camp? I mean, like an elaborate one, with plenty of photos? David? Alithea? Regina? Pik Wen? Cassie? Alexis?

"What? You expect me to solve THAT?!"

Well, I guess I have nothing more to say about MCKL now. Writer's block. Anyway, I hope you guys will continue posting stuff up on this blog. Don't let it die. Just write anything. Look at Kenny Sia, he can blog about durian flavoued condoms and people still read his blog. To MCKL students who aren't writers yet, please do drop a comment with your email so I can add you as a writer.

Different yet the same.

The queen of numbers.

"Who loves MCKL, hands up! Now, second question, who ran out of deodorant?"

Take care.