June 28, 2008

Sneak Preview to Next Sem?

Just went back college today to settle the fees for next semester, (Don't want to kena the 5% extra after June 30th!)

and guess what I saw?!


Just our new timetables for the next semester laaaaa.
Practically everyone has classes until 430. ( thanks to IELTS or Malaysian Studies)
BOOHOO.... except friday that is...


But the Marchies memang kesian-EST,
have classes till 530 pm for most days... *wahliauwei*

Just can't wait for the next semester eh? ;D

Check your emails!

Hey guys, I have sent invitations to some of you to become writers of this blog. Currently there's 14 writers and 41 unaccepted invitations. So go check your emails. And if I have not invited any of you, please write your email as a comment here or in the cbox.

June 25, 2008

Random photos

Just some random photos I took throughout my one and a half years in MC.

Before OB night 2008


After the last supper...

Ragging of 0803

A talk during CF. Every Friday at 12.45pm ppl!

Goodbye photo

Water games on the last CF meeting of the semester!

Alpha peeps

Editorial Board

Who goes there?!

Miss Lim says, "Remember students, exact value is in fractions or surds."

Gathering in the hall...

CF again

Alpha again

Rare sighting! Dozens of students studying in the lounge! Only happens twice a year during a period called "Exams period"

CF again...long time ago (this is getting repetitive, isn't it?)

Reach for your dreams, girls!

We found a rat's head on the canteen chair!

June 22, 2008


Ah, the good days in college.
Since this IS a student's blog, rest assured nothing will be held back here. Especially on my part, heheh.

I can't say this college is perfect-- in fact to be honest it is flawed in many ways, but hey, that's the MCKL we (eventually) grew to love, right? Right, so we're straying a little here.. but what exactly makes it so endearing to us seniors? Most importantly, what makes it NOT?

We love (at least I did/ still do/whichever applies)
: the fact that everyone knows each other here-- no cliques you would expect to find in typical colleges. What bugs me is the fact that the college is begining to lose the closeness as the number of students is increasing-- well, you get the idea.

:The low, very low, college fees compared to other colleges-- we like it that way (not like it matters anymore to us ex-ers) so please keep it the way it is

:Lecturers-- how can you not love them? They are approachable, punctual (sadly for some of us, including yours truly) and most of them are really good, I can tell, but whether they are still up for the game is a completely different matter altogether (more on it later)

We hate(d)
: Name tags-- let's face it, what can be more irritating than being denied access to the college just because we forgot to bring a piece of plastic with our names printed on it? I understand it's probably to prevent some unknown stranger from entering the college, but is it really necessary to carry it around college as well? Imho, the tags serve nothing aside from entrance identification-- it's not like there's a magnetic strip on it for swiping it anywhere anyway, so we're probably not going to be using it anytime soon. call me a baby if you will, but I dont really want to pay for a sticker whenever i leave my nametag at home ;)

: Some lecturers-- they may be good, but are they relevant? Is incompetency justified by experience? I shall leave it as that lest I get into trouble. :)

:Number-- of students, that is. It is a generally accepted idea that the batches are getting increasingly distant in terms of interpersonal connection as more and more students enroll. we can actually see fragmentations within a class, but who can blame them? the college is only getting bigger with time. something has to be done before we lose something that has become unique (I daresay exclusive) to MCKL-- the bonds between students irregardless of class and age.

Uh, that's all i can think of at the moment. I hope i don't sound as though i am against this college, i love it, really but these are a few things I feel strongly for.
what do YOU guys think? What do you love to hate or hate to love in this college?

June 21, 2008


Welcome all students and other people who are interested in knowing more about Methodist College Kuala Lumpur!
This blog is created with the objective for all to give any opinions, complains, ideas about MCKL.

Plus, it's features/rules includes:
1. All MCKL students are invited to write in the blog. If you are not yet a writer, drop your email at the chatbox on the right. An invitation will be sent to your email. Some of you have already been invited. Check your email inbox!
2. Posts/comments will be moderated to minimize vulgarity and talks about sensitive issues.

P.s. This is like a student thing, so speak your mind out! But careful, who knows there is moeyyl.blogspot.com or datinnadarajah.blogspot.com. Haha.