June 25, 2008

Random photos

Just some random photos I took throughout my one and a half years in MC.

Before OB night 2008


After the last supper...

Ragging of 0803

A talk during CF. Every Friday at 12.45pm ppl!

Goodbye photo

Water games on the last CF meeting of the semester!

Alpha peeps

Editorial Board

Who goes there?!

Miss Lim says, "Remember students, exact value is in fractions or surds."

Gathering in the hall...

CF again

Alpha again

Rare sighting! Dozens of students studying in the lounge! Only happens twice a year during a period called "Exams period"

CF again...long time ago (this is getting repetitive, isn't it?)

Reach for your dreams, girls!

We found a rat's head on the canteen chair!